If you live in Portland, Oregon, I’m sure you’ve heard or see me say that for a Leave Your Troubles at The Door ad. I’m very happy to report that last night at Funhouse Lounge was a SOLD OUT Leave Your Troubles and one of the best shows we’ve had in recent months. THANK YOU to all of y’all who came out and let your problems lay bare. Our next show is on 8/14 at Capitol Hill Comedy / Bar in Seattle, Washington and y’all can snag $10 tickets for that here. In the meantime, if you’d like your fix of Huddy y’all can get it TONIGHT (8/3) 8 PM at Hawaiian Vapor off Hwy 99 in Vancouver, Washington. Plus, you can vape inside there? Come out and get wiiiiild. See y’all out there. And thank you again 🙂